AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush - A High-Tech Electric Toothbrush for Whiter Teeth and Healthier Gums

Published on Aug. 13, 2023, 9:32 p.m.

The AquaSonic DUO PRO is an advanced electric toothbrush system designed to deliver professional-level cleaning at home. This high-tech toothbrush aims to give you whiter teeth and healthier gums through its innovative features like a UV sanitizing dock, wireless charging, smart timers, and ultrasonic cleaning modes.

 AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush


The AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush comes as a complete set with two smart toothbrushes (one midnight black and one optic white), a UV sanitizing dock, 10 ProFlex brush heads, and two travel cases. The toothbrush system is accepted by the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs, having been proven effective in plaque removal and gum health improvement.

Key Features

The AquaSonic DUO PRO is packed with features designed to elevate your oral care routine:
- Dual smart toothbrushes with wireless charging
- UV sanitizing charging dock
- 40,000 VPM ultrasonic motor
- 4 distinct cleaning modes
- Smart timers for optimal brushing
- 10 ProFlex brush heads
- 30-day battery life
- IPX7 waterproof rating
- ADA accepted


The AquaSonic DUO PRO toothbrushes have a sleek, minimalist design with an ergonomic handle that provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. The midnight black and optic white color options add a touch of modern elegance. The charging base, crafted from premium materials, has a compact footprint, taking up minimal space on the bathroom counter. The UV light automatically activates after each use, illuminating the transparent sanitizing chamber to kill bacteria and prevent germ growth.

 AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush

 AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush


With its high-speed ultrasonic motor, the AquaSonic DUO PRO removes up to 10 times more plaque than a manual toothbrush. The four modes offer a personalized clean, catering to different needs and preferences. The “Clean” mode provides a thorough everyday clean, while the “Soft” mode is gentler for sensitive teeth and gums. The “Whiten” mode polishes away surface stains, and the “Massage” mode stimulates gums for improved circulation.

Ultrasonic Cleaning Power

The AquaSonic DUO PRO harnesses the power of ultrasonic technology, generating 40,000 vibrations per minute. These vibrations create tiny bubbles in the water and toothpaste, which implode upon contact with teeth, effectively breaking down plaque and bacteria even in hard-to-reach areas. This deep cleaning action, combined with the gentle DuPont ProFlex bristles, ensures a thorough yet gentle clean that protects tooth enamel and gums.

Four Cleaning Modes for Personalized Care

The DUO PRO offers four distinct cleaning modes to cater to individual needs and preferences:

  • Clean Mode: A standard mode for daily cleaning, providing a thorough and effective clean for most users.
  • Soft Mode: A gentler mode designed for those with sensitive teeth and gums, offering a more delicate cleaning experience.
  • Whiten Mode: This mode utilizes a unique vibration pattern to help break down surface stains, promoting a brighter smile.
  • Massage Mode: Designed to stimulate gums and improve blood circulation, this mode can contribute to healthier gum tissue.

Smart Timers for Optimal Brushing

The AquaSonic DUO PRO features smart timers to guide your brushing routine. A quadpacer timer pulses every 30 seconds, prompting you to move to the next quadrant of your mouth. A two-minute smart timer ensures that you brush for the dentist-recommended duration, promoting optimal oral hygiene.

UV Sanitizing Dock

The AquaSonic DUO PRO’s charging dock features a built-in UV sanitizing chamber. UV-C light, a type of ultraviolet radiation, is known for its germicidal properties. It works by disrupting the DNA of bacteria and viruses, effectively killing them and preventing their reproduction. This feature is particularly beneficial for maintaining oral hygiene, as it helps to eliminate harmful microorganisms that may linger on brush heads even after rinsing.

Diversity of Brush Heads

The AquaSonic DUO PRO offers two distinct brush head options: Midnight Black and Optic White. Both are crafted with DuPont engineered ProFlex bristles, precisely angled and with optimal elasticity to enhance cleaning and whitening. The Midnight Black brush heads are designed with charcoal-infused bristles, known for their ability to absorb impurities and help remove surface stains. The Optic White brush heads, on the other hand, focus on polishing teeth for a brighter smile. Each set includes 5 replacement heads, ensuring a long-lasting supply for both users.

Battery Life

The AquaSonic DUO PRO boasts a long-lasting lithium-ion battery that delivers an impressive 30 days of use on a single charge. This makes it ideal for travel or daily use, as you won’t need to worry about frequent charging. The wireless charging base adds convenience, allowing for easy charging without the hassle of cords or plugs.

IPX7 Waterproof Rating

With an IPX7 waterproof rating, the AquaSonic DUO PRO is designed to withstand immersion in water up to 1 meter deep for 30 minutes. This makes it safe for use in the shower and ensures durability against accidental splashes and spills.

Travel-Friendly Design

The AquaSonic DUO PRO is designed with travel in mind. The toothbrushes themselves are sleek and compact, easily fitting into toiletry bags or luggage. The included travel cases provide additional protection and hygiene for your brushes while on the go. The long-lasting battery life of 30 days ensures that you won’t need to pack the charging base for most trips, further enhancing the system’s portability.

Pressure Sensor for Gum Protection

Brushing too hard can damage your gums and tooth enamel. The DUO PRO’s built-in pressure sensor helps prevent this by momentarily pausing the vibrations if you apply excessive pressure. This gentle reminder encourages a softer brushing technique, safeguarding your oral health.

Two Stylish Color Options

The AquaSonic DUO PRO comes in two elegant color options: Midnight Black and Optic White. Whether you prefer a classic, understated look or a brighter, more modern aesthetic, there’s a DUO PRO to match your style.

ADA Accepted for Proven Effectiveness

The AquaSonic DUO PRO has been rigorously tested and evaluated by the American Dental Association (ADA). It has earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance, signifying that it meets the highest standards for safety and effectiveness in removing plaque and promoting gum health. This recognition provides an added layer of confidence in the DUO PRO’s ability to deliver optimal oral care.

Suitable Uses

The AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush is ideal for people who want to improve their oral health, remove plaque, eliminate stains, massage gums, and sanitize their toothbrush. It takes care of all your brushing needs in one high-tech system.

User Feedback Analysis

With over 7,600 Amazon reviews, most users agree the AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush is one of the best electric toothbrushes on the market. The average rating is an impressive 4.6 out of 5 stars.

Positive reviews mention how the toothbrushes leave teeth feeling professionally cleaned. Many appreciate the long battery life and effectiveness of the UV sanitizer. Some say it noticeably whitened their teeth within weeks.

Critical reviews mention issues with brushes stopping after a few months. Others say replacement heads are expensive. A few question the necessity of the UV sanitizer.

Overall, most feedback indicates the AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush delivers a superior brushing experience and justifies the price for its high-end features. Satisfied customers far outweigh critical reviews.


  • Thorough plaque removal
  • Whitens and polishes teeth
  • Gum care massage mode
  • Built-in quadpacer and smartimer
  • Effective UV sanitizing dock
  • 30-day battery life
  • Wireless charging


  • Higher price point
  • Replacement brush heads are proprietary


At around $90 on Amazon, the AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush is reasonably priced for a high-quality electric toothbrush system. Considering you get two toothbrushes, a sanitizing base, 10 brush heads, and two cases, the price per component is quite affordable. Replacement heads cost around $25 for a pack of 8.

For the advanced ultrasonic motors, multiple modes, and UV sanitation, AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush provides excellent value compared to other premium electric toothbrushes.


With outstanding cleaning power, smart features, and UV sanitization, the AquaSonic DUO PRO Electric Toothbrush is one of the top electric toothbrushes on the market. The majority of customers agree it takes their oral health to the next level. For those seeking professional-grade cleaning at home, the DUO PRO system is a worthwhile investment for your smile.

Market Trends and Future Outlook

The electric toothbrush market is evolving rapidly, driven by increasing consumer awareness of oral health and a desire for advanced technology. Future trends are likely to include:

  • Smart Technology Integration: Electric toothbrushes will increasingly incorporate smart features, such as Bluetooth connectivity to smartphone apps for personalized brushing guidance and tracking.
  • AI-Powered Personalization: Artificial intelligence algorithms will analyze individual brushing habits and oral health data to provide tailored recommendations and cleaning modes.
  • Sustainable Materials: There will be a growing emphasis on using eco-friendly and sustainable materials in toothbrush production to reduce environmental impact.
  • Subscription Services: Brands may offer subscription-based models for replacement brush heads and other oral care products, ensuring convenience and consistent supply for consumers.


  • Model: AquaSonic DUO PRO
  • Battery: Lithium-ion (lasts 30 days per charge)
  • Motor: 40,000 VPM ultrasonic
  • Modes: Clean, Soft, Whiten, Massage
  • Timers: Quadpacer and Smartimer
  • UV Lamp: 260-280 nm wavelength
  • Charging Dock: Wireless inductive charging
  • Waterproof Rating: IPX7
  • Dimensions: 11.42 x 11.14 x 3.78 inches
  • Weight: 2.82 pounds
  • Charging Time: N/A (information not available)

What’s in the Box

  • 2 AquaSonic smart toothbrushes (1 black, 1 white)
  • 1 UV sanitizing charging dock
  • 10 ProFlex brush heads (5 black, 5 white)
  • 2 travel cases (1 black, 1 white)